Yeah! We apparently have discovered the specs of the upcoming MacBook Pro 2010 but bring a large grain of salt with you, just in case. And by a grain of salt I do mean the largest pile you can get your hands on!
The first thing we will comment on when looking at this New Zealand-based online store is that they have mastered the art of time travel. Now that’s something I’d gladly describe here for you but unfortunately they have not revealed that technology to the public yet. What they did reveal is “15’’ MacBook Pro 2010, newly released April 2010.” What they must have done is head to April 2010, check out the new laptops and then quickly returned to update their site accordingly only to take it down so nobody could still see it. God I love Google cache!
Moving on to the MacBook Pro 2010 specs we will say that what you’re about to see doesn’t sound that outrageous for the next-gen MacBook Pro:
- Intel Core i5/i7 processors
- Up to 8GB of RAM
- 640GB HDD / 256GB SSD
- LED-backlit glossy widescreen standard display with anti-glare option available
- New 8-hour built-in battery
- Express Card/32 slot
- 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M Graphic Cards
- Multitouch trackpad
It does just like a little too good to be true though. Like the Express Card/32 slot there? Is Apple really returning us that slot? What about the Intel Core i5 and i7 incompatible Nvidia GeForce 9400M graphics cards?
At least Best Buy was kind enough not to update their web page with questionable details. We understand the need for attention but that doesn’t mean you can go ahead and play with our mixed MacBook Pro-related feelings!
Since we will be talking at least a few more times about these upcoming updated MacBook Pros, let’s hear from our reader what they want to see in Apple’s next-gen laptops!